Kamis, 03 September 2015

Malang Tourism City

Banyu Anjlok from:
Sumberawan Tample from:
         I was born in Malang city, the second biggest city in East java. Malang have many tourism place, one of the most leisurely and attractive towns in Java. With leafy boulevards and a cooler climate, this city is a laid back destination, popular with many retirees in East Java.
Malang tourism is quite popular for both the local Indonesians as well as international travelers. We can visit many interestin place in Malang. Start with beach, Malang have many beauifull beach. Beach in Malang like:  Tiga Warna, Banyu Anjlok, Balekambang, Sendang Biru, etc
          The other is, Malang have many monument like a Tample. Tample in Malang like Sumberawan, Singosari, jago etc. Me and my friends visited in Sumberawan Tample.There is a very intersting place. Beside we can learn about history, we can enjoying the atmosphere and of course we can selfie or groufie there ^^.
          Beside that, so many interesting and beautifull place. So, let's relaxing our mind in this city. MALANG CITY.

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